Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of common questions from our patients.  Your question might be answered here.  If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to call, write or visit.

General Questions

Which lab tests require me to fast?

Glucose (sugar) and Cholesterol

Will someone call me with lab results?

Yes. Your healthcare provider or their nurse will call you after they have reviewed the test results. It normally takes a minimum of 3-5 days before the results are returned to the clinic.

Can I get my lab work performed without a physicians order?

No. The lab cannot draw blood without an order from your healthcare provider. Make sure that either you have an order with you the day of the test or your physician has sent an order to the lab.

Why do I have to leave a message for the doctor or nurse?

The physicians and their nurses are busy taking care of the patients that have scheduled appointments. Messages are answered by the physician, or their nurse, when they have a break between patients, during lunch or after clinic hours have ended.

Should I call and leave another message if I have not received a call back from a message earlier in the day?

No. Rest assured that your initial message was delivered to the physician. It does not speed up the process if you leave another message. However, please call if you have experienced a change in your medical condition, or dial 911 in the case of an emergency.

Has my prescription been called in yet?

Always check with your pharmacy first, but it is best to allow at least a couple of hours before checking with your pharmacy. The physician or nurse must approve the prescription before it can be called into the pharmacy. If the pharmacy does not have your prescription, call the clinic and we will help you find out the status of your prescription.

If I need an antibiotic or pain medicine, why do I have to be seen?

Patients need to be evaluated to receive the proper treatment and medication. Mission Primary Care’s policy is that only the patient’s regular physician can refill narcotic medication.

What information do I need to have available when calling the clinic?

Please have name, date of birth, telephone number, and address available. To ensure the safety of the patient, it is important for us to verify name and date of birth of the patient. It is also important to give us your current telephone number in case the telephone number we have on file is incorrect.

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